I have been interested in flight simulators for many years. I started with a SubLOGIC flight simulator for the old Radio Shack TRS-80 Model I computer in the early 1980's and have been steadily keeping up with the latest technology as it became available through the years. I have the latest Microsoft Flight Simulator X for the PC and really enjoy it.
Latest news: I have started working on a cockpit simulator similar in design to a Long-EZ front cockpit to house my monitor, computer, joystick, rudder pedals, and speakers. It is still under construction and I'll take a few pictures and post them here soon. It will be simple to start and I'll add functionality to it as I go. Stay tuned...
The very latest: Here are some pictures I took during a visit to Pacific Simulators in Christchurch, NZ in 2008.
Visit Ed's Flight Simulators links page.