My trip to Italy in 2004 was for 1.5 weeks to attend the CARBIUS conference in Viterbo, Italy and to upgrade and checkout the MFP equipment installation in the three Sky Arrow aircraft for the Italian National Research Council.
While I was there, I did manage to get a few pictures, mostly of Firenze and the Arno River. The picture on the left shows the river in the early morning (about 6:30 am) in early June. This picture was made from the middle of the Ponte Vecchio, looking toward the east. The bridge visible in the picture is the Ponte Alle Grazie. The other picture, taken at about the same time, was made from the Ponte Alla Carraia, which is west of the Ponte Vecchio. The picture looks toward the east.
Here are a couple more pictures of the Arno River and the Ponte Vecchio. The picture to the left was taken in the early morning (about 6:30 am) just west of the Ponte Vecchio, and looks toward the southern shore of the Arno River. The picture to the right was made late in the afternoon (about 4:30 pm) and shows the Ponte Vecchio straight on. This picture was made from the Ponte S. Trinita. Note the difference in lighting between the early morning picture (on the left) and the late afternoon picture (on the right).
These are two images of the Duomo, easily the most recognizable building in Firenze. The left image is an overall view made from the Piazzale de Michaelangelo in the late evening. The Piazzale de Michaelangelo is located to the southeast of Firenze and is on a hill overlooking the city. This image was made using a 28-105 zoom lens zoomed to approximately 105 mm focal length. The image on the right is of the entrance to the Duomo and has been enhanced to bring out the detail from the late afternoon shadows.
On the left is a picture of a statue of Leonardo DaVinci at the Galleria degli Uffizi. The picture in the center shows a costumed man standing beneath the statue of Leonardo daVinci. He was quite striking, actually! An interesting note: I was watching Hannibal after returning from this trip and noticed a scene with very similar costumed persons just following the opera scene. I would recommend that movie for anyone interested in seeing good images of Firenze. The photography is remarkable! On the right is a picture made from the Palazzo Vecchio looking toward the Galleria Degli Uffizi.
On the left is a picture taken in the early morning along the Arno River in Firenze. It shows the haze and low light of the early morning very well. The picture on the right is of a street corner in Firenze that caught my eye because not only of the man on horseback, but of the dramatic view of the Duomo in the background. Just another of the typical scenes along a street in Firenze in the late afternoon...
These images were made from a moving train (!) in the late afternoon on a trip between Firenze and Roma. I believe the town is Orte, but I'm not positive. We also passed the town of Orvieto and I can't remember which was which. Notice the quality of the picture for having been taken from a moving train in the late afternoon. The lens used was a Canon 28-105 zoom on a Digital Rebel camera. The image on the left is an overall view of the town while the image on the right is a closeup of one of the buildings on the hillside.
These are typical billboards seen throughout Italy. The one on the left was adjacent to the Duomo in downtown Firenze. Notice how the caption makes you think of something other than Briel! The one on the right was made at a rest stop on the Autostrade between Firenze and Roma. It is an ad for a lingerie company (Intimissimi). What a country!
Photography Notes: All
images on this page were taken with a Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel camera at
maximum resolution (6.3 megapixels) with JPEG compression. All photos have been
shrunk to a reasonable resolution (approximately 640x480) for posting on the web.