The following pictures were made during the EAA Airventure airshow in Oshkosh, Wisconsin in July-August 2006.
An Avro Lancaster from Canada taxis out to takeoff in the picture on the left. An F4U Corsair taxis for takeoff in the center, and a B-17 Flying Fortress makes a banking pass on the right.
On the left is Chuck Yeager addressing the crowd just after flying the plane in the top center photo, Glamorous Glen III. The SpaceShip I mock-up on display at the EAA Museum is shown at the right.
The B-17 Flying Fortress makes a pass through the smoke on the left, and rolls out after landing in the center. Gene Soucy makes a low pass in his Grumman AgCat in the right picture.
In all pictures above, I used a Canon EOS 5D
and 70-200 mm f/2.8 IS lens. The images were all shot in RAW mode and then converted to JPEG and resized to fit on the web.
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