The following pictures were made during the EAA Airventure airshow in Oshkosh, Wisconsin in July-August 2007.
Top left is of Chuck Yeager just after he returned from piloting the EAA Ford Trimotor with Make-A-Wish Foundation kids on-board. The aerial photo at the top center is made from the same Ford Trmotor, but unfortunately without Chuck Yeager at the controls! In the top right corner is Sean D. Tucker's Challenger II biplane. Bottom left is the Eclipse V-Jet in its first public appearance, in the bottom center is the B-2 stealth bomber making a fly-by, and the bottom right is an F-86 Sabre taking off.
From the top left, the F-22 Raptor takes off for a flight deomnstration. Next is the Heritage Flight featuring the F-22, an F-86 Sabre, and the P-38 Glacier Girl. Top right shows a PT-17 Stearman making a low inverted pass. Note the fire spewing from the exhaust as the engine coughs and sputters! Bottom left is a low pass by the same PT-17... Note the pilot waving to the crowd, and the left wingtip that is mere inches off the runway! Bottom center is Patty Wagstaff cutting a ribbon, and the bottom right is Sean D. Tucker cutting a ribbon.
In all pictures above, I used a Canon EOS 5D
and 70-200 mm f/2.8 IS lens. The images were all shot in RAW mode and then converted to JPEG and resized to fit on the web.
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