These pictures were made during a photography class I took from UT in the Spring of 2007. Thanks to Kendall Chiles for an excellent photo class that was both very informative and very entertaining!
These pictures were made at the Knoxville, TN Zoo in the Spring of 2007. From the left, there is a meerkat, posing for a picture, a Harris Hawk, and a profile of a Great Horned Owl. Notice if the profile is turned on its side, the horns (which are not actually ears, just feathers) look like the beak of a different type of bird.
These pictures were made at the Knoxville, TN Zoo in the Spring of 2007. From the left is a full-face shot of the Great Horned Owl, and another good face shot of a hungry giraffe. Notice, though the profile of the Great Horned Owl that has been rotated by 90 degrees... Doesn't it look like another bird?
The picture on the top is of a prairie dog, looking longingly toward the camera. The picture on the bottom is a meerkat, also looking longingly...
The picture on top is of an immature barn owl. The picture on the bottom is a close-up of the Harris Hawk.
In all pictures above, the camera used was a Canon EOS 5D
with a 70-200 mm f/2.8 IS lens. Some of the bird images use a Canon 2x doubler with the
70-200 lens. The images were all shot in RAW mode and then converted to JPEG and resized
to fit on the web.
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